Frequently Asked Questions:
What is the Feldenkrais Method®?
The Feldenkrais Method® uses slow gentle movements with a keen sense of awareness in developing your innate system. In doing so movement patterns are established for ease in motion, mild pain and chronic pain subside, stress and depression dissipate while self-image reflects positivity. Each person will create new options they can use for the rest of their life.
Should I have a Functional Integration® (FI) session (Individual Session) first?
If you have a specific issue such as an injury, stiffness or condition it is important to do Functional Integration® first. This is an individual session with one of our practitioners. You and the practitioner will work together to create the best results. FI is a comfortable non-invasive hands-on approach, guiding your system into smooth movement options while releasing pain. Not sure what you should do? Give us a call so we can decide together the best path to take within the method.
What is Awareness Through Movement (ATM)?
Awareness Through Movement® (ATM) is a group class with a series of slow, gentle verbally guided movements that take place usually on the floor. These lessons give people precise ways of moving so they can explore by thinking, sensing and imagining the most optimal way to move for their individual system. By doing so movement is learned and continues to be learned in the most effortless ways. People will say "I have never felt that move before" or "my back doesn’t hurt anymore" or "I can breathe better." We find different results than other modalities.
What can I do after a class or session?
It is always good to walk for 20min following an ATM class or FI session as your system will continue to integrate. It is important NOT to do any heavy lifting or big projects soon after. Both the ATM and FI will continue in integrate for at least 2 days if not longer. To get the most out of your appointments or classes book appointments consecutively and then take a break, we can discuss that further in person. Enjoy your integration; be aware of small subtle changes that can lead into large changes; you will be feeling much better.
Is it strenuous?
No. Both Awareness Through Movement® Classes and individual Functional Integration® sessions use slow gentle movements to help an individual explore and learn something about the way they move. Many people wear pants and a long sleeve shirt to classes and sessions because the movements are not rigorous in any way.
“The aim [of the Feldenkrais Method] is a person that is organized to move with minimum effort and maximum efficiency, not through muscular strength, but through increased consciousness of how movement works.”
How is the Feldenkrais Method® different from Chiropractic and Massage?
Chiropractic’s works with the skeletal structure, mostly the spine, while massage works directly with the muscles. These two practices both work with the structure of the body. The Feldenkrais Method® works with the nervous system's natural ability to regulate movement, relieve pain and release emotional stress. You can work with yourself in any situation with whatever limitations you face. This is a learned skill that you can use throughout your life. The more you understand how the nervous systems lets you know what works for you and what doesn’t, the younger and more energized you feel. The Feldenkrais Method® can be used to sustain movement and relieve pain.
How is the Feldenkrais Method® different from Yoga?
While Feldenkrais® does incorporate elements of breath and awareness, it does so in relation to how one is moving. There is no emphasis in Feldenkrais® on achieving or maintaining a certain position, and one does not have to be flexible in order to participate in Feldenkrais® group classes or one-on-one sessions. Many people find that after developing an awareness of how they move, the Yoga positions that were elusive or uncomfortable become much more accessible.
What is the difference between someone that says they know Feldenkrais and someone that is a Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner?
There are many people that have taken a 3-day workshop, a class series within a week, or have been shown how to use the Feldenkrais Method® in hospitals and therapy offices; these people are not certified to use the Feldenkrais Method.® A Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner® has to complete a four-year training program through the Feldenkrais Guild of North America and/or the International Feldenkrais Federation. Wise Move does NOT recommend using people that are not Guild Certified Practitioners. Please be careful and call us anytime if you have any questions.
Who is Moshe Feldenkrais?
Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais drew upon his knowledge as a physicist, Judo master, and mechanical engineer - as well as his studies in psychology, anatomy, child development and evolution - in order to develop the Feldenkrais Method®. He proposed that as a result of our environment, we adopt physical and psychological patterns of behavior. These patterns become integrated, and sometimes create limitations in movement as well as pain throughout our system. These understandings of movement lead Feldenkrais to develop an innovative method that can change patterns of dysfunction, relieve pain, and release emotional stress.
Answers to our client’s comments and concerns:
I have tried everything and nothing works!
We hear this comment quite often. The Feldenkrais Method® is known for getting results where others have not. Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, physicist, mechanical engineer and judo master suffered a debilitating knee injury. Instead of having surgery he set about researching human development at its most intricate level. He found that by introducing small, slow movements to the body, the brain could absorb this information and begin creating new movement patterns. Whether movement has been restricted due to injury, accident, or disorder, the work of Dr. Feldenkrais has helped people around the world increase movement and decrease pain.
“Movement is Life, Life is a Process. Improve the quality of the process and you improve life quality of life itself.”
I don't like being touched...
There is something for everyone. If you’re not comfortable with being touched Moshe Feldenkrais informs us that a system can learn by voice as well as movement. Whether you have an individual session called Functional Integration® or join an Awareness Through Movement® class you will receive voice instruction without being touched. Give us a call so we can find the most comfortable direction to align with your system.
Comments from clients:
"I felt something release in my shoulder, hips, back; and neck"
"It’s nice that during class, I can move around at any time, walk if I need to, sleep, roll over, etc."
"I like that it’s up to me, how much I do and don't do."
"I just want to jump around I feel so good."
"People have noticed a change in me for the better. They’re not sure what it is, but they like it."
"I feel like I can move away from pain now. I actually have a choice."
"LAUGHTER!! I knew there had to be something on this Earth that could make us feel good in these bodies we were given."
"I can’t wait to get back on the floor."
"I haven’t felt my lower back move in over 25 years."
"I can’t believe I fell asleep!"
"I feel like I can re-group every time I come to class ."
Why Wise Move:
It wasn’t until my pain went away from my tailbone up through my spine, across my shoulders, around my head, and in my eyes that I started to believe this method is more powerful and different than anything else. I saw a woman with Cerebral Palsy straighten an entire side of her body after only four lessons, and thought the whole world needs to know about this method. Each person will experience different things in their own time. Let this method give you what you need, not necessarily what you think you need. If you have tried everything please don't give up, we can give you options, just let us show you how.